Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Holy Cow. I Just Read This Post. I AM a Hippie.

Yesterday was a good day. I got to see a friend’s new baby (who has more hair than I did when I was FOUR) and last night I went to the Indigo Girls concert at the botanic gardens. The botanic gardens are an ideal venue, because you can bring wine. Also, a picnic. But mostly I was excited for the wine. And being able to head-bob without judgment because, HEY, we are all freedom-loving hippies and also Very White and so rhythm is not a prerequisite.

In other news we’ve switched up the cat food at our house. (Ooooh, our life! It’s so exciting! Nacht.) Because Innova is one of the best, according to numerous surveys. Of course, it’s different and Sugar has made Change her personal enemy, so she’s currently practicing anorexia. Tatum, on the other hand, is practicing his goat-ish tendencies, and loves him some Innova. He is about twice as heavy as he was last week, which seems like an awfully short amount of time to double one’s body mass. I’ve stopped calling him plump, because, well, he actually IS kind of plump, now. The joke’s less funny. But there’s more of him to poke, so, you know. All’s not lost.

I also went on a hike and made the poor Beanie Baby I got from Vagabond Beanies go rock climbing. Because what is more Colorado than throwing yourself against a reddish-colored rock and attempting to climb its face, despite the fact that there’s a perfectly good trail that goes up the side?



meno said...

Last time i went to an Idigo Girls concert there were people protesting against godless lesbian sinners outside the gates. They didn't like it when i started taking pictures of them. Also, wine + music = GOOD STUFF!

Heather said...

LOL at Meno - that's awesome.

Princess, I love the pic.

Melissa said...

Phil would be so proud of you my dear. How was the Indigo Girls? I've seen them twice (both times at the Zoo, once in Portland and then in Abq). They usually put on a really great show.

I miss hiking in CO! And I miss hanging out with you two :(.

Amanda said...

that pic made me giggle... :-)

Love the Indigo Girls... SO JEALOUS ;-)

Diane said...

Hats off to meno!

I like hiking - on dirt. Me no likey rocks.

c3 said...

Hey, I feel like I'm twice as heavy as I was last week too. My tummy is getting huge! :)

Princess in Galoshes said...

Meno - Your experience was so much more hard-core than mine was. We just wandered in with our bottles of wine....

Red- Thanks! I wish it was a little clearer.

Mel- The concert was wonderful, they did put on a great show. Plus, they had this girl, Julie, playing the accordian! Bitchin'!

AJ- They're worth seeing, whenever they come to your city!

C3- You have an excuse. But I'm going to need photographic evidence to back up this claim.

Lily said...

Innova is great!!
Tye lady were I get mine says it's much more nourrishing then generic cat food,so the kitties need less to get the same ammount of calories (good calories.lol). The problem is, they don't know that. And when you've got one cat, it's not a problem, you just give him less. But with two, problems like you've got can happen. One of them doesn't eat, so te other one gorges.
I would love to help, but I have yet to find a solution...