Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Was Almost Waiting for the Bunny to Gag from the Ridiculousness of It All

There is nothing in the world more adorable than kittens. Except maybe baby deer. I am a sucker for those really oversized eyeballs. Thus, I give you something so sweet it will rot your teeth:


Pauline said...

look at the smile on that kitty's face! How do "they" get pictures like that?

Lily said...

SOOooooOOO cute!!! I just lost it at 1:19 when the deer cuddles on kitty and closes it's eyes. And then near the end when they are all on top of one another, deer putting his back leg on kitty's back. All cozy.

Kate said...

I love it! But where do they come up with these things???

Diane said...

cute overload at the end of a bad day . . . I needed that, thanks1

Holly said...

ok how do they get them to do that, and then how is it that they are filming it? so sweet it rots your teeth is right! wow!